15.07. – 22.07.2023
Eduardo Basualdo
Nathan Peter

Tempus fugit – Virgil’s aphorism stands as true now as it did two millennia ago.
The fear of powerlessness in the face of nature and time has haunted the human condition since the start of humanity. Living through a worsening climate crisis has brought the questions of humanity’s position in relation to nature and the passing of time back to the forefront of contemporary discourse. Thus, it is precisely those questions surrounding nature and decay and just how we can navigate these liminal zones of transformation that structure Eduardo Basualdo and Nathan Peter’s practice.
Their joint presentation at art:badgastein creates a space for active contemplation and addresses the use of art as a means for reflection about our own position in relation imposed boundaries within society, both temporally and spatially.
Portfolio German | Portfolio English

framed, 39,5 x 33 x 3 cm.

Bitumen lacquer and oil on canvas, 100 x 80 cm.
Image: Eric Tschernow.
July 15 – July 22
Monday – Thursday
14 pm – 18 pm
Friday – Sunday
11 pm – 18 pm
art:badgastein July 15 - July 22, 2023 Kraftwerk, Wasserfallstraße 7